Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Men as trees walking...

As I breathe another day away, I realize that my eyes have lost their freshness. Like the blind man whom Jesus encountered in Mark chapter 8, I realize he has indeed healed my blindness, but the fogginess still remains. Alas, “I see men, for I see them like trees, walking around.”(Mark 8:24) I want fresh eyes. Newness. Vibrancy. I want to return to the rythym of worship that is soft and consistent like the ocean. I want Him to be the moon causing my tides to sway in harmony with His song of life. I dedicate now, a vow, a collect, a prayer from the inescapable fogginess of my soul, to Him who lives to make men see clearly. "Oh Father, you are the Light, burst your rays into my fogginess. Destroy the clutteredness and negativity that surround me. Make me encounter You. In the name of my Beloved, Jesus Christ, Amen."

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