Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This Booth.

I love this booth.
It is tucked away from clutter,
Like a hidden enclave,
Like the underside of your covers
As a child,
Hiding from the wispy ghosts
You knew took habitation
In your closet.
In a way, that is the same
As this.
I feel the wispy ghosts still.
They still frequent
The closets of my life.
But here, between the
Air conditioner's hum
And the smell of coffee,
The wispy ghosts find
Other closets to frequent,
Other people to frighten,
Other booths to haunt,


  1. sounds like you have found peace...even though the ghost still frequent on occassion...

  2. Tight clean piece, well constructed and simple; instant identification for me, anyway. Greatly enjoyed it.

  3. sounds like a good place to be...between the coffee and the air conditioner's hum...nice..

  4. Old memories can be like wispy ghost sometimes. LOL. Nice to have read you.

  5. writing is a way to escape haunting memories, glad to see you be where you are.

